
The updated agenda for Thursday's meeting at 6:30pm is below. If your name is listed after a topic, that means you are the leader on said topic -- if you've been assigned a topic and cannot make the meeting please send a reply all and give us a heads up.



1.       SLM / BMUFL sign locations; Damien; Status and next step. 

2.       SLM / BMUFL sign locations; Derek; Plan for completing location plan to use funds that we haven't allocated yet. 

3.       BFC signs; Damien; Installation commitment date for signs that haven't been installed yet. 

4.       Bicycle parking rings; Damien; Installation date for rings that remain to be installed including those that were removed in recent construction. 

5.       Bicycle locker signage; Chip; Installation commitment date. 

6.       Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane; Damien; Installation date commitment. 

7.       BFC award; Chip; Plan for renewal.

8.       Minutes; Drew; Desired template // Plan for aggregation of old minutes and website posting

9.    Bicycle Board Reorganization/Procedural Guideline amendments; Drew; Plan for defining current committees // Redefining what constitutes a quorum // Voting on noncontroversial items // Ex-officio member definition updates // Spread of desired members across city neighborhoods

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Drew Gatlin <> wrote:

Hello all,


Barring any objections, I am your new secretary! Attached are the unformatted, draft minutes from our meeting on August 6th. I will attempt to edit them into a more familiar format before we post them to the website, but I figured it would be best for everyone to have them sooner rather than later.


What I remember to be the action items are below:

·         Current members – Andrew Walker, Colin Dierman, and Emily Vasile should indicate their desired status as voting members

·         Bicycle Friendly Community Award – Application deadline 11 February 2016

·         Bicycle Locker Signage – Who has the file? Chip will talk to Tom Arnold regarding the new location for the locker

·         Mon. Blvd Climbing Lane – Jing will clarify DOH’s position; Drew and Jonathan Nellis will attempt to drum up support at WVU

·         Confident City Cycling Courses – Jing is heading up the compilation of two lists à potential instructors and newbies to cycling. Everyone should send any potential candidates for these classes to him.

·         SLM / BMUFL – Damien and Derek will work together to allocate all funds and complete the plan

·         Parking Rings – Damien may know what happened to the one that is missing from recent construction and will be the one to decide on installation date for remaining rings (3)


Finally, if there are any more agenda items you can identify, please send them to me before the end of the day and I will send out a finalized agenda for next week. Below is what has been proposed so far:


1.       SLM / BMUFL sign locations; Damien; Status and next step. 

2.       SLM / BMUFL sign locations; Derek; Plan for completing location plan to use funds that we haven't allocated yet. 

3.       BFC signs; Damien; Installation commitment date for signs that haven't been installed yet. 

4.       Bicycle parking rings; Damien; Installation date for rings that remain to be installed including those that were removed in recent construction. 

5.       Bicycle locker signage; Chip; Installation commitment date. 

6.       Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane; Damien; Installation date commitment. 

7.       BFC award; Chip; Plan for renewal.

8.       Minutes; Drew; Desired template // Plan for aggregation of old minutes and website posting


Thanks for your time!
