Big step!


From: [] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 12:46 PM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Bike Safety Bill Passes!!




Begin forwarded message:

From: Kasey Russell <>

Date: March 5, 2014 12:41:52 PM EST

To: Adam Angelona <>, Adam Flack <>, Adam Flack <>, Andrea Salina <>, Andrea Salina <>, Anita Mayer <>, Bill Austin <>, Bill Austin <>, Breanna Shell <>, Brendan Bell <>, Bruce Curry <>, Charles Holley <>, "" <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Craig Slaughter <>, Dale Goff <>, Dennis A Strawn <>, Don Spencer <>, Edgar Barrett <>, Ella Belling <>, Emily Vasile <>, Emmett Pepper <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Gail Pitchford <>, Gary Zuckett <>, Gary Zuckett <>, Gary Zuckett <>, Gary Zuckett <>, Greg Garrett <>, "" <>, Isaac Forman <>, j underhill <>, Jeffrey Lusk <>, Jenny Totten <>, John Francis <>, John Manchester <>, Kate Dobson Forman <>, "Laura M. Dice" <>, Michael Loughney <>, Michael Plante <>, Mike Costello <>, Park Ferguson <>, Patricia Clay <>, Patricia Clay <>, Patrick Donovan <>, Rahul Gupta <>, Rich Harper <>, Scott Sudduth <>, "" <>, Stacy Bisker <>, Steve Fowler <>, Ted Armbrecht <>, Tom Heywood <>, Tom Wood <>, "" <>, weber <>, "" <>, "" <>

Subject: Bike Safety Bill Passes!!


Hi WVCC -- Our Bike Safety Bill (HB4304) just passed the Senate!! With NO NAY votes!!!! 34 Ayes!! Unanimous vote!!

Thank you all so much for your phone calls and email! Your efforts really paid off.

More later, Kasey and Gary