Go to http://www.everybodywalk.org/takeaction and submit your comments to the Federal Register to advance walking and walkability.  e.g. include sidewalks and safe crosswalks in every roadway project.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Deb Hubsmith" <Deb_Hubsmith@mail.vresp.com>
Date: April 3, 2013 11:14:36 AM EDT
To: fgmeindl@gmail.com
Subject: Public Comment Period Open for Surgeon General's Future Call to Action on Walking
Reply-To: "Deb Hubsmith" <reply-0bbd911cef-f68f769cc5-c4a4@u.cts.vresp.com>

Public Comment Period Open for Surgeon General's Future Call to Action on Walking
SRTS National Partnership logo
You're Invited to Give Input on the Office of the Surgeon General's
Future Call to Action on Walking

Comment now at everybodywalk.org/takeaction
Walking is the key to a stronger, healthier America. For families, walking to and from school and in daily life is a great way to spend time together and create healthy, active lifestyles for our kids. As the walking movement continues to gain momentum in 2013, you have the chance to help guide the national agenda around getting more people walking and building walkable communities.

Until April 30, the US Surgeon General is looking for feedback from the public on what should be included in a future call to action around walking. Please join the Safe Routes to School National Partnership in responding!

What You Can Do
We are calling on organizations and individuals to submit public comment to the Federal Register. You can submit any promising ideas or effective practices that you think would be work to advance walking or walkability at the national or local levels.
  • Go to everybodywalk.org/takeaction
  • Watch inspiring videos
  • Link to the Federal Register to submit your comments
  • Endorse a sign-on letter outlining key principles
  • Go for a walk!
  • Encourage your stakeholders to give input.
  • Forward this email and post this link on Facebook!
Just like recent calls to action and reports by the Surgeon General (breastfeeding, healthy homes and smoking), your feedback will be consolidated and combined into the proposed call to action on walking.

More Details on the Public Comment Period
During the window of April 1-30, 2013, you have a unique opportunity to provide comment to the Federal Register on the proposed call to action on walking. Go to everybodywalk.org/takeaction, where you will able to easily access the Federal Register Notice, and submit detailed comments on the proposed call to action on walking. All input will be considered by the Office of the Surgeon General. Don't miss the chance to make your voice heard.

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is proud to be a partner in the Every Body Walk Collaborative. For more information about the Collaborative or the Call to Action, contact info@everybodywalk.org.

Please take action today, to help tomorrow's children have safer routes, lanes and paths.


Deb Hubsmith
Safe Routes to School National Partnership


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