
I forwarded your message to the Bicycle Board and invited them to contact you if they want to be interviewed.  Don Dickerson is no longer a member of the Bicycle Board.  Gunnar Shogren is now Vice Chairman.

I will try to answer your questions.  Please see my responses embedded below.

On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:

Thank you for your help Mr. Gmeindl.
Some questions I have are:
How many people riding bikes do you think it would take to reduce traffic in Morgantown to a steadier flow?

This is a tough question to answer quantitatively.  Morgantown's traffic jams are a result of there being too many motor vehicles on Morgantown's roads.  The solution to the traffic problem is to reduce the number of motor vehicles.  Alternatives are bicycling, walking, public transit (including PRT and Mountain Line) and carpooling.  Every person that chooses one of these alternatives takes a step toward reducing Morgantown traffic congestion.  To get people to choose one of these alternatives over their private car, these alternatives must be made more attractive.  People that want to walk need sidewalks.  People that want to ride bikes need bicycling to be safe and convenient.  People who want to use public transit need to have buses or PRT cars available when and where they need them.  Morgantown's emphasis has always been on making private motoring as fast and convenient as possible, often at the expense of alternatives.  Perhaps it's time to focus on making the alternatives more attractive.

Also, are there any programs or advertisements promoting bike riding over driving?

The Bicycle Board is an all volunteer group that is trying to make Morgantown a more attractive place to bicycle.  I've attached a report of our 2010 accomplishments.  You might find some useful info in there.  Feel free to plagiarize;)