Cycling Advocates:

The MPO is to host a public meeting for the Westover/Granville Pedestrian Study. The time is Wednesday, Nov 4th, 4:00PM – 7:00PM. The location is at Mountain Line Transit Authority Westover Terminal Administrative Building, 420 DuPont Rd, Westover, WV 26501. 


The purpose of this meetings is to identify needs for pedestrian facility improvements in the Westover and Granville area. We welcome you to come to this meeting and share your opinions.


Attached is the flyer for the public meeting. 






Jing Zhang, AICP

Transportation Planner




Jing Zhang, AICP

Transportation Planner


Morgantown Monongalia

Metropolian Planning Organization

82 Hart Field Rd Suite 105,

Morgantown, WV 26505


864.207.0749 (cell)



" Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." -- Mother Teresa