
Attached is a proposed (I believe historically used) agenda / minutes format for our meetings. Check it out and let us know what you think, either up here or at the meeting tomorrow.

Compare and contrast with the simple "outline" format we've been using for the past few months.

Thanks! See you tomorrow night,

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 4:43 PM, Drew Gatlin <> wrote:
Hello all,

---Please reply to me with 1) Your name and 2) What you perceive as your interest / position with the bicycle board (Are you a voting member of a particular ward? Ex officio representing a particular organization? Concerned, engaged citizen?) and whether you are able/willing to ramp up your involvement if you are not currently a voting or ex officio 
---Read the attached procedural guidelines and come up with at least one suggested update to them (ex. changes to officers, changes to membership, redefining what constitutes a quorum, etc.)

Please also see the attached October minutes. Given that they were recorded by Chip and transcribed by me, I ask those in attendance last month to review them and email me any necessary edits before we post them to the website.

Also see attached November proposed agenda. It is almost identical to the October agenda. Please email me with any suggested additions or subtractions.

To pursue October agenda item 8) we need to get a better hold on the current formal and informal membership. Even if it's clear that I know who you are, please respond to this email with the above requested information (in TL;DR section)

To close November agenda number 9) I will send out November's agenda in multiple proposed formats. Please review these formats when you receive them before the meeting.

Our next meeting is November 5th, 6:30pm-8:30pm in Training room 1 of the public safety building. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions

Thanks for your time!