Bicycle Board Members,


Please see attached flyer.  Go to the Public Forum January 28, 6:30-8:30 PM at South Middle School.


The Pedestrian Safety Board has been working on improving the pedestrian infrastructure for Morgantown.  They developed a Pedestrian Safety Plan, which focuses on improving the walkability of Morgantown.  Copies of the draft plan are available at the bottom of the following link: .  The more we move people out of their individual cars and on to the sidewalks, bicycles, PRT, and busses, the safer and healthier will be our city and its residents. We need resources to make that happen.


They have asked the Morgantown City Council to pass a Walkway, Walkway Lighting, and Traffic Calming Fee, which will be $1 annually per frontage foot of their property.  Thus, if one has a lot that is 50 feet wide, they will pay $50 annually. These monies will amount to approximately $1,000,000 annually for sidewalks, lighting, and traffic calming.  Their projections are that they need $32 million to address existing problems. 


The Morgantown City Council will probably vote on this fee in their February meeting. Generally, they are receptive to the issues and the fee, but the Pedestrian Safety Board needs support at the January 28 meeting to demonstrate to City Council that the Pedestrian Safety Plan has support.


Bill Reger-Nash has four requests:


1)      He would ask that you encourage others to attend the Public Hearing at South Middle School at 6:30 pm on January 28

2)      Please sign the petition supporting the fee, which can be found at

3)      Contact city council members asking them to support the Walkway, Walkway Lighting, and Traffic Calming Fee.  Ideally they should be contacted prior to January 28.  Email addresses of City Council (including Mayor Byrne):;;;;;;




Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles