Attached is the draft bill resulting from the legislative agenda that the BB recommended to West Virginia Connecting Communities.  

Any comments?

The attached draft bill does not include our recommendation for the state to adopt the 2009 MUTCD.  That will be addressed in a separate bill.

Please give me your comments ASAP as I would like to respond to Kasey no later than Tuesday.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 15, 2013 7:20:45 PM EDT
To: Frank Gmeindl <>, Steve Fowler <>
Subject: Fwd: Emailing: 2013R2708.wpd 1A AREDRAFT OF 2708.doc

Frank and Steve, please review this legislation. We finally got something! 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Gary Zuckett" <>
Date: March 15, 2013, 6:32:01 PM EDT
To: "Kasey Russell" <>
Subject: Emailing: 2013R2708.wpd 1A AREDRAFT OF 2708.doc


Here is the draft 2 of the bill. Can you look it over too?



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