Here is an opportunity to get ahead of a problem, I believe we need:
1) More concrete barriers at the bottom of the hill to prevent rocks from rolling on the pavement
2) Bank stabilization (wire mesh or other techniques) in two places on the hillside behind the WVU greenhouse. Many areas of hillside are stabilized by vegetation and may not require a man-made fix.
I am not an engineer, but it looks like an issue that requires a short and long-term plan. A perfect Town-Gown opportunity.
What are the steps and agreements that need to be in place to do this?
****A perfect project to take care of very soon, particularly step 1.
This part of the boulevard is on the Morgantown Marathon route (September 2015) and also is the site of the agreed upon (WVU, DOH, Morgantown) designated bicycle climbing lane up the boulevard.
Currently, cars, pedestrians and bicyclists travel this route every day.
The Marathon is coming up this September. We need the bicycle climbing lane installed this year to keep our status as a Bronze level bicycling community, the only one in the state.
This is a mutual problem--we need to fast track the short term solution and get going on the long term solution.

Jenny Selin
Cell 304-685-6569