From: Damien Davis
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:57 AM
To: Bill Austin; Frank Gmeindl; Terry Hough
Subject: RE: Morgantown Bicycle Lane
The signs proposed by Mr. Hudson are meant as directional guides
for cyclists to get to a specific location. They are used to show cyclists that
the signed route is the preferred route over other routes. These signs could be
used in conjunction with what we are proposing to guide cyclists to the
rail-trail but the proposed sign do nothing to warn motorist or make cyclists
more visible to the motoring public by themselves. The climbing lane provides
cyclists a visibly safe area to maneuver while climbing Mon Blvd, while our
proposed “Share the Road” signs bring to motorist attention that cyclists are
permitted to use the roadway.
I agree with you that cyclists should not be expected to match the
speed of the motorist, just not impede the flow of traffic. This should not be
an issue on Mon Blvd as it is two lanes at the top. This provides for the safe
passing of a slower cyclist. Although Mr. Hudson is correct, traffic does
frequently exceed the speed limit, the increased use and visibility of cyclists
on Mon Blvd could help to reduce that speed.
J. Damien Davis, EIT, CFM,
City of
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409
From: Bill Austin
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:15 AM
To: 'Frank Gmeindl'; Damien Davis; Terry Hough
Subject: FW: Morgantown Bicycle Lane
Importance: High
Frank, Damien, Terry,
Please see the correspondence below. I do not believe the
proposed signage is adequate or acceptable for addressing the concern expressed
by the Bicycle Board. Previous correspondence I have seen says that the
shoulder on the down hill side of Mon Boulevard is the same width as on the
uphill side. I do not believe that this true. I don’t believe it is
either the same width or of the same pavement quality as the shoulder on the
uphill side. Can anyone confirm this for me?
The comment below that cyclists on the down slope cannot keep up
with traffic is simply a mis-expectation on the writers part. Cyclists should
not be expected to match speeds even on flat sections they should be expected
to not impede the flow of traffic. These are not the same things. We need to
address this misconception quickly. I am not sure how Jim Hudson fits into the
picture, I will look into it.
Please let me know your thoughts. I would like to respond to
this comment ASAP.
From: Hudson, Jim E
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 8:54 AM
To: Robinson, Bill C
Cc: Keller, Perry J; Warner, Richard L; Lewis, Ray C; Shoukry, Fouad N;
Bill Austin
Subject: Morgantown Bicycle Lane
After much thought
on the Morgantown Bike Lane issue I think our signage should remain consistent with our
signage on other limited access highways. Therefore I propose we limit
our signage and roadway markings to those found along Route 50, Route 33, and
the East Beckley By-Pass among other places. These signs should be placed
on both sides of Monongahela
Boulevard and other locations where high-speed and/or high-density traffic and adequate
shoulders indicate it is necessary.
While I understand
the desire for a “climbing”
lane for bicycles, I do not accept the idea that average bicyclists (Class B) can safely maintain the speed of 45 to 50 mph
required to keep up with traffic on the downhill side of the road.
Bicyclists who want to
ride on the road
where the signs
I propose have been posted are in the same category as
those semi drivers who want to drive in the left lane where signage prohibiting
trucks in the left lane have been installed.
A photograph of the
signage used in these locations is attached to this email.
Jim Hudson
Development Specialist
Building 5, Room
1900 Kanawha Blvd.
Charleston, WV
(304) 558-9613
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