Hello everyone!

We've had seven (7!) responses so far to the bike parking ring prioritization survey. Find the link here: a survey. Please send this link to anyone you think would be interested in voting. Post it on Facebook! I deleted my Facebook account so I can't do it. Can someone place it on the neighborhood association pages?

The top four locations, in order of some statistical analysis metric that I don't understand:

1) Pleasant St (both suggestions are at the top position, I think this is telling us something!)
2) Brockway Ave (Near laundry / Chestnut Brew works)
3) Willey St (near the Grind)
4) South High St. Justice Center

Close behind are 

5) Spruce St. Public Safety Bldg
6) South High St. Post Office
7) Gene's
8) Univeristy Ave Sheetz

Are your opinions different than this spread? Do you concur? Either way, please vote! Things to keep in mind:

1) Only one of our top four locations has a parking meter near it (the Justice Center)
2) You can suggest other places as well. If you think they are more important than any listed, then rate them higher!

'Other' suggestions have been: Evansdale Black Bear, Evansdale Kroger, Evansdale Boston Beanery, Krepps, Jack Robert's Park, outside city hall

Remember, we are trying to compile this data soon, so we can do stuff with it! (i.e. install the racks!)

Thanks for your time,

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Drew Gatlin <johngatlin@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all!

We are requesting your participation in a survey. Please participate in the next 7 days. We will collect responses next Friday for a committee meeting but may keep the survey open until our December board meeting.

We have 4-6 bicycle parking rings waiting to be installed in locations of our choice. At the board meeting last night we identified a need to prioritize our location list for installation. You'll find the list of proposed locations at that surveymonkey site -- as well as a box for "other" in case you're interested in proposing somewhere else!

Notice that we have no proposals for the Evansdale area. I don't think this is intentional -- please input suggestions in the "other" box if you see a need over yonder.

I have limited the survey to one response per computer with the ability to edit your responses. Please let me know if you have recommendations for different survey formats!

Thanks for your time!