Thanks, Frank, for sending out the article! I really enjoyed the meeting last night and didn't realize it was going to be such an open forum. I suggested they do a road show of sorts to get it out to more folks outside of the transportation community who will be impacted, and offered to help coordinate volunteers to help. If anyone is interested, let me know.

And Jonathan, thanks for the nomination. I'm honored but not convinced I am the right person for this role given my current focus on finding permanent employment and the fact that I am still new to the area. I'm not even technically on the BB yet :)! 

Looking forward to catching up this evening! 


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Jonathan Rosenbaum <> wrote:
I nominate Emily Vasile to be a candidate for chair of the Bicycle Board!


On 12/06/2012 07:37 AM, Frank Ge Emily Vasilemeindl wrote:
Emily Vasile attended the whole transportation plan public comments meeting, talked to everyone and even got quoted in Dominion Post: .  Thanks, Emily!


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