I'm in and will see who else we can get to participate!

Jenny Selin
Cell 304-685-6569

On Mar 9, 2015, at 2:03 PM, "Frank Gmeindl" <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net> wrote:

Note Kasey's statement in her update below:

I know Morgantown has done a ride for years and is doing one this year. We will be doing one in Charleston as well. I am happy to help you organize one in your community. Please email or call me so we can start!

Can we do it again this year?  Last year, Emily organized the best Bike To Work day we've ever had!  
  • 12 participants including Mayor Selin
  • Coffee, muffins, granola bars, table, server, Maggie from the Grind
  • Free beer tickets from Black Bear
  • Gift certificate raffle from Real 
  • Safe ride out the trail to Sixth St., up Beechurst & Mon Blvd. and across the Evansdale campus.
Who's in this year?  I'll help.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kasey Russell <russell.kasey@gmail.com>
Subject: WVCC Update
Date: March 9, 2015 1:21:27 PM EDT
To: Adam Angelona <adam@wvcompanybicycle.com>, Adam Flack <aflack@wvonthemove.net>, Amy Haden <amyhaden@gmail.com>, Anita Mayer <anita.mayer@mail.wvu.edu>, Bill Austin <baustin@labyrinth.net>, Bill Wells <bwells@unitedcoal.com>, Breanna Shell <shellb@cityofhuntington.com>, Brendan Bell <brendanbell.bell@gmail.com>, Bruce Curry <Bruce@currydesigngroup.com>, Charlene Cook <charlenecook1955@aol.com>, Charles Holley <cholley@cityofhuntington.com>, "chip@wamsleycycles.com" <chip@wamsleycycles.com>, Christiaan Abildso <cgabildso@hsc.wvu.edu>, Connie Lupardus <clupardus@caez-wv.org>, Craig Slaughter <craig.slaughter@wvimb.org>, Dale Goff <Dale.goff3@gmail.com>, Dennis A Strawn <dennis.a.strawn@gmail.com>, Don Spencer <DSpencer36@comcast.net>, Edgar Barrett <nedbarrett@bellsouth.net>, Ella Belling <ella@montrails.org>, Elliott Lewis <eelewis7@gmail.com>, Emily Vasile <emilyvasile@gmail.com>, Emmett Pepper <epepper@vt.edu>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net>, Gail Pitchford <gail.pitchford@camc.org>, Gary Zuckett <garyz@wvcag.org>, Greg Garrett <gagarrett@gmail.com>, "harvey.allen@chartersites.net" <harvey.allen@chartersites.net>, Isaac Forman <formanir@gmail.com>, j underhill <Jfunderhill@gmail.com>, Jeffrey Lusk <jlusk@trailsheaven.com>, Jenny Totten <jenny.dawn.totten@gmail.com>, John Francis <johncfrancis13@gmail.com>, John Manchester <jmanchester@lewisburg-wv.com>, Kate Dobson Forman <katedforman@gmail.com>, "Laura M. Dice" <Laura.Dice@camc.org>, Michael Loughney <mloughney@tioga-resources.com>, Michael Plante <mike@planteandassociates.com>, Mike Costello <costellowv@gmail.com>, Nate Orders <mail@ordersconstruction.com>, Nathan McCray <nathanmccray@Hotmail.com>, Park Ferguson <parkferg2007@yahoo.com>, Patricia Clay <trishc1@suddenlink.net>, Patrick Donovan <pdonovan@njrati.org>, Rahul Gupta <rahul.gupta@wv.gov>, Rich Harper <johnscyclery@frontier.com>, Richard Eichberger <reichberger@suddenlink.net>, Scott Ferry <scottferry@wvregion3.org>, Scott Sudduth <scottsud@gmail.com>, Spellman Kent <k.spellman@wvhub.org>, "sryder@tgkvf.org" <sryder@tgkvf.org>, Stacy Bisker <selaineb@gmail.com>, Steve Fowler <smf@pffwv.com>, Susie K Salisbury <Susiesalis@aol.com>, Ted Armbrecht <eca3@suddenlinkmail.com>, Tom Heywood <theywood@bowlesrice.com>, Tom Wood <twood84@gmail.com>, "townoffayetteville@suddenlinkmail.com" <townoffayetteville@suddenlinkmail.com>, voicetalent@amiebreedlove.com, weber <xvrweber@gmail.com>, "wrnott@suddenlink.net" <wrnott@suddenlink.net>, WV Explorer <editor@wvexplorer.com>

WVCC Update, March 9, 2015

Hello WVCC Members:

It’s a very good thing that we passed the Bike Safety Bill last session. The current WV House and Senate’s priorities do not include walkable and bikeable communities. Maybe they will look to creating healthier communities and citizens and economic development and tourism opportunities created by more people walking and biking next session. In the meantime, WVCC will focus on city councils and county commissions.

During the next few months, we will create a “State of the State of Cycling and Walking in WV.” I’m asking ALL of you to send me something good regarding anything dealing with cycling or walking in your community. We would like to have a great story to tell when we kick off our Bike Safety Campaign sometime in May so please send me your good news by May 1st or sooner if you can. I will be sending out details about the Give Em 3 Safety Campaign as I receive them. I’m sure we will have a big media splash when the billboards start to appear around the Kanawha Valley.

Our next board meeting is Friday, April 10th from 4 to 5:30 in Charleston. This will be a working, business only board meeting. If you would like to join via conference call, please email me. All are welcome.

We would like to see as many communities across WV participate in Bike to Work Day on May 15th.  I know Morgantown has done a ride for years and is doing one this year. We will be doing one in Charleston as well. I am happy to help you organize one in your community. Please email or call me so we can start!

Wish me and Brian Weber luck this week as we prepare to meet with the WV Congressional Delegation this Thursday. It’s the League of American Bicyclist’s Annual Lobby Day on Thursday and we will be meeting with staffers to discuss the importance of pedestrian/cycling infrastructure to our state.

I look forward to hearing from you,



Kasey Russell, WVCC, Executive Director, 304.542.1994

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