
Due to potential, impending roads of doom -- it's amazing what happens when the first decent snow hits around rush hour -- I'm canceling our monthly meeting scheduled for tonight at 6:30pm. Stay home, drink some hot cocoa, and dream of snow plows and affordable salt that doesn't rust our expensive metal things.

Once you're cozy-ed up in your favorite sitting chair with your cup of cocoa, consider ringing into the number below for a short (40 minutes MAX) conference call. This call is entirely non-mandatory, and only serves as a place to give or receive updates so that we may better give them proper consideration at, if no one objects...

Our rescheduled January meeting *next Thursday, January 12th* same bat time, same bat cave.

I would particularly appreciate updates on action items and a more thorough description of some of these potential ripe bananas. If I receive decent information I may issue a new agenda for next week after that call, but for now we will use the same agenda. Also call in if you are looking for small projects to do for the bike board - I've got a lot of them in my quiver.

Conference call details:
Tonight, 6:30-7:10pm
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0360
Access Code: 386663 #

Thanks in particular to Mr. Whitmore for alerting us to the state of the weather!


On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Drew Gatlin <> wrote:
Hello all,

Please find the attached agenda for Thursday's meeting. Regarding the new location, it's not very different: rather than the training room, we will meet in the conference room just down the hall. It's much more comfortable in there.

As always, bring your thinking caps.
