Begin forwarded message:

From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Date: October 17, 2013 8:34:23 PM EDT
To: Jeff Mikorski <>, Terry Hough <>, Damien Davis <>, Chris Fletcher <>
Cc: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Martha Summers <>, Stan Cohen <>, Sarah Bias <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, Maria Smith <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Jan Derry <>, Tom Bias <>, Mike Fike <>, Kim Hartsell <>, Debbie Cain <>, Margaret Stout <>, Dan Harris <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Matt Cross <>, Jim Rye <>, Ella Belling <>, Damien Davis <>, Roy Nutter <>, Mike Breiding <>, Bill Kawecki <>, Bill Austin <>, Josh Woods <>, Emily Vasile <>, Carol Rotruck <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Claire Chantler <>, Michael Simms <>, Maria Brann <>, Don Spencer <>
Subject: Continued disregard for pedestrians
Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>

Damien, Jeff, Terry, & Chris -
Sorry, but I'm now ticked off (must have been the Sheetz BZA hearing running so late last night). What the heck is going on and who is responsible? Photos attached about 3 different incidents of sidewalks or crosswalks being blocked without any advanced warning or detour. These, plus the ill-advised placement of the fence blocking the sidewalk at the Panera construction show blatant disregard for human beings and movement through our City. I'm sick of it and want someone in the City to take charge. I greatly respect the time you put into city affairs, but our great City must stop acting like a battered spouse that keeps letting their abusive spouse return "because we need 'em"! They need us! They need our City, our people, and our money! We are a great place that has standards that will be enforced - it's time to start acting like it.

I don't usually get this excited, but I'm sick of it! I'm ready to "divorce" my abusive spouse.

Please note the entire Pedestrian Safety Board membership and collaborators are cc'd. I expect the development of an action plan involving all city government agencies on the steps we will all take to implement our pedestrian safety plan and the comprehensive bicycle plan, including enforcement, planning, zoning, and engineering. I hope my friends cc'd on this email agree and voice their concerns. We MUST work together NOW or this city will lose even more of its best residents.

How many have to die or be seriously injured before we take serious, swift action? Would we have this little movement if two people were shot, beaten, or stabbed to death in Morgantown? Would nothing be done if one lane of a road were closed for months without a safe detour for vehicles? We must reverse this pervasive, pernicious disregard for pedestrians at all levels of government and among all segments of our population.

Thank you,
Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board
Christiaan Abildso, Chair
Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair