
In proper last-minute fashion, it looks like our best availability is tonight. So far, Damien, Frank, Chip and myself are available -- we are all available from 5:30pm - 8:00pm. I'll suggest that we meet from 5:30pm - 7:00pm.

Locations: the training room at the public safety building is available at that time, and of course we could always meet at Black Bear. Does anyone have a preference?

For anyone coming to the meeting, if you get a chance -- please review the 2012 application and comments from LAB that Frank distributed through an email on September 4th, 2015.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Drew Gatlin <> wrote:

Switching email clients is not treating me well…!


Many apologies:


The link, for the poll:


From: Drew Gatlin
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: Doodle Poll for BFC Application Meeting #1



Hi folks,


Please indicate your availability over the next week (beginning tomorrow, if that ain’t too short notice!) to meet regarding our plan for the bicycle friendly community renewal that’s due on February 11th of next year. We’ll only meet once, for an hour and a half or less, over the next week – I’ve given 35 possible timeslots, so hopefully we can wrangle something together.


Finally – does anyone know of an available place to meet during these times?


