Senator Byrd's contact info:

Washington, D.C. Office:

311 Hart Senate Office Building,
District of Columbia 20510-4801
Phone: (202) 224-3954
Fax: (202) 228-0002

Charleston Office: (more district offices) 300 Virginia Street, #2630
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Phone: (304) 342-5855
Fax: (304) 343-7144

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: Action Alert: Transportation Enhancements under Attack Again!]
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:18:20 -0400
From: Frank Gmeindl <>
To: Bicycle Board <>
CC: Jennie Selin <>, Ralph Larue <>, Bill Austin <>

Bicycle Board Members,

I just read this this morning.  Today! the Senate will vote on amendments 2370 and 2371 that would basically repeal Transportation Enhancement grants. 

I called Senator Byrd's office and urged him to vote NO on these.  I encourage you to do the same.

The Transportation Enhancement grant will fund our Effective Bicycling Education Program.  They have also built the Morgantown Streetscape and I believe were used to build the rail trail.

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Action Alert: Transportation Enhancements under Attack Again!
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 16:32:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: League of American Bicyclists <>

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American Bicyclists Update Archives

September 15, 2009

Action Alert

Transportation Enhancements Under Attack!
FY 2010 Transportation Appropriations Bill
We need your help - TODAY!
Senator Coburn (R-OK) is offering two amendments to the FY10 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill that will strike funding for transportation enhancements. The two amendments are S. Amendment 2370 and S. Amendment 2371.
The Transportation Enhancement program has provided between one-half and three-quarters of all Federal funding invested in bicycling and walking improvements in the last 20 years. More than $250 million is at stake in fiscal year 2010 - if Coburn's amendment is successful it will affect hundreds of trail projects, sidewalks, bicyclist education programs, bike rack on bus programs, and roadway improvements for bicyclists.

S. Amendment 2370 prohibits funding for transportation enhancements if the Highway Trust Fund does not contain amounts sufficient to cover unfunded highway authorizations. 
S. Amendment 2371 allows states to opt out of the 10 percent set aside rule that require states to spend at least 10 percent of their surface transportation funding on transportation enhancements.
We expect the amendments to be offered and voted on during Senate floor debate tomorrow, Wednesday, September 16.
Please call your Senator immediately and urge them to vote NO on S. Amendment 2370 and S. Amendment 2371 to the FY10 transportation appropriations bill.
Thank You!

The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America's 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit

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