
I sincerely apologize, but I must correct a few of my understandings and estimates for a more proper submittal of our Morgantown Bike Plan projects.  I wasn't able to actually see the information required for the 'Letter of Intent' until I was approved on the WVDOH system yesterday by another sponsor and didn't get to sit down until this evening to view it in more detail.  Also, my understand of the match was a bit off as well.  Please review my updated project suggestions below. 

I previously stated that the TAP projects only needed a $15,000 minimum request. However, I now know that the two TAP projects below have to have a minimum $50,000 amount  I removed the BOPARC project from the list below since you won't be dealing with that one.  I also removed the Map printing project beause there really isn't a justifable way to spend $50,000 on maps when our higher end estimate was $15,000 previously. 

So, with our revisions, the two projects below are from our approved 2012 Bicycle Plan which can be viewed here:

Bike Plan Priorities 7,8,11: Install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs on all City and State maintained arterials that meet established criteria for installation

Applicant: City of Morgantown
Total Project Costs:  $50,000
City of Morgantown match:  $10,000   

WVDOH application priority: #1

Background: Based on 77 Shared Lane Markings (SLMs) and 32 Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs, which were previously planned and mapped throughout Morgantown.  The City Manager (Dan Borroff) BUDGETED $35K for SLM & BMUFL signs in 2008.  I looked at today's retail values on the SLMs and BMUFL signs and still looks like this number is within the ballpark.  Based on my new understanding of the $50,000 minimum, I updated the costs and match above.  We will research additional locations and add the appropriate SLM and BMUFL sign numbers to the grant application.

Bike Plan Priority 47: Covered bike parking at bus stops

Applicant: City of Morgantown
Total Project Costs: $80,400
City of Morgantown match: $16,080

WVDOH application priority: #2

Background: Number of locations: 12
Racks per location: 4 at $550/rack (for a total of 8 bikes per location) = $2200
Bike shelter:  4'x12' w/ shelter, concrete pad, and excavation = $4500

Shelter and 4 racks per site: $4500 + $2200 = $6700

     $6700 x 12 locations = $80400

Also, are you able to approve me to 'edit' or even 'view' the WVDOH City of Morgantown sponsor applications?  I'm guessing you probably received and email notification.

Thanks for your understanding and please let us know if you need anything else.  My cell phone number is 304-290-7727. 

Derek Springston
1412 Buckhannon Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26508

Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells