

I have money budgeted for bus shelters.  That could be used as the local match, in combination with DOH money, so both a bike and people shelter could be installed (I would guess, anyway).  I am unfamiliar with the grant site or process for DOH.  MLTA funds come to us via a different route.  The locations are really going to dictate the cost, as you know, but you could probably ballpark about $3.5k for each 4x12 bike shelter, plus $500 for a prefab pad, excavation not included, and a few more hundred for bike racks of some type.  We would buy the people shelter and people shelter pad for it and could split the excavation cost.  That should qualify us for a 50/50 grant and certainly would work for an 80/20 grant, which this is most likely for this type project.  If you can take a look at likely locations, estimate any design, excavation and construction oversight on top of those costs, I can take a look at the locations to see if they are places we need to co-locate from the bus side.


David Bruffy, CCTM

General Manager

Mountain Line Transit Authority

420 DuPont Road

Morgantown, WV  26501


(304) 296-3680 Office

(304) 291-7433 Route Information

(304) 291-7429 FAX



From: Derek Springston []
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 11:19 AM
To: David Bruffy; Bike Board - Morgantown
Subject: Re: Bike Board Projects and TAP funding



As I understand it, TAP (or Transportation Alternatives Program) is a new program created from the new MAP-21 Act (signed into law in 2012) under the FHWA umbrella.  TAP funding is derived from new MAP-21 programs including NHPP, STP, HSIP, CMAQ, etc which encompasses most activities that were previously funded under Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, and Safe Routes to Schools programs.  These funds are then disbursed to the State and 'Letters of Intent' must be submitted to the WVDOH through their online non-traditional grant application process. 

I am copying the Bike Board to determine if we have a plan or recommendations for the number and locations of bike shelters, or if that is something we can obtain by early next week.  Do you already have data on bike shelter material costs, installation/engineering costs, and cost share (if needed) or do we need to dig that up? 

Is this something that we still need to apply for if the WVDOT already has a contract and you have budgeted money?  Or will you just need to understand the scope of what we're asking in order to determine if you need more money? 


Thanks for your time,



On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:22 AM, David Bruffy <> wrote:



I had a telephone conversation with Chip about the possibility, but I don’t have any information on the grant, the program or what might be needed in terms of the letter.  I didn’t realize the deadline was next Friday, although I do recall Chip saying it was in December.  I am out of town until Wednesday of next week.  When I return I have a Board Meeting Wednesday evening.  I will put an item on the Agenda asking for authorization to file an application, but I will need some basic information.  Who is TAP run through?  DOH or FHWA?  What are the goals and how many locations are on the BB plan?  The State DOT has a State Contract for bus shelters, so procurement wouldn’t be that difficult.  The Authority has budgeted funds for bus shelters, so I really just need more detail.  It would be best if we plan to work with the City as there will be need for ROW or space for the shelters.  Anything you can email me would be helpful.  I won’t have much time to work on this.




David Bruffy, CCTM

General Manager

Mountain Line Transit Authority

420 DuPont Road

Morgantown, WV  26501


(304) 296-3680 Office

(304) 291-7433 Route Information

(304) 291-7429 FAX



From: Derek Springston []
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:49 PM
To: David Bruffy
Cc: Chip Wamsley; Chip Wamsley
Subject: Fwd: Bike Board Projects and TAP funding



Please see the email below.  I discussed some BB projects with Jeff Mikorski tonight.  Do you have or are you planning on submitting a Transportation Alternatives Program letter of intent for the Bike Plan's Priority #47 for covered parking at your bus stops around town?  Jeff requested that we get him the project costs and what the cities' cost share would be.  I understand you guys may be able to submit this on your own, right without the city?   If not, are you planning on providing this to Jeff?  I told him I would get him numbers by early next week since the deadline is Dec. 13th.   

I'm fairly new at this funding and grant writing stuff, so forgive me if I'm asking questions that may seem obvious to you!  :)

Anyway, hope things are well.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Derek Springston <>
Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:48 AM
Subject: Bike Board Projects and TAP funding
To: Jeff Mikorski <>


I am a member of the Morgantown Bicycle Board, but you probably know me recently from my work with Patrick Kirby at the Brownfields Assistance Center 

I have been asked by the Bicycle Board to pursue Transportation Alternatives Program funding for a select few projects within the already approved 2012 Morgantown Bicycle Plan assuming we can get the right sponsors and matches.  Most of the projects already have been researched and are ready for implementation, we just need the funding and support. 

Referenced from the Bike Plan, the projects include: 


Priorities 7,8,11: Install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs on all City and State maintained arterials that meet established criteria for installation

Priority 15: Print the established bicycle route map and classify all streets in terms of their bicycle friendliness

Priority 47: Covered bike parking at bus stops - to be submitted by Mountain Line Transit Authority


New Priority not in plan: Trail project in Marilla Park to be submitted by BOPARC


I have more background on these projects and why we believe they will be successful, but basically wanted know:

1. Who should we interact with in the City and how we can make sure to get the appropriate support and matches in order to submit Letters of Intent by December 13th, 2013?

2. Would you like to meet to discuss this and when?  I believe Frank Gmeindl and Emily Vasile are planning on meeting with you soon to discuss other Bike Board actions.  If you'd prefer I could try to piggy back on that meeting to save you time, or we could just meet separately for simplicity.

Thanks for your time.


Derek Springston

Morgantown Bicycle Board






Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells


Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells


Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells