Don't know if anyone is aware but it appears the DOH is working on the rockslide area on Mon Boulevard. Saw a crew working yesterday evening. Yay!!!

General Manager 


9500 Mall Road 
Morgantown, WV 26501 




From: Bikeboard [] On Behalf Of Drew Gatlin via Bikeboard []
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 3:56 PM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Stickers! Bike Month! Updates!


Hope you're doing well and enjoying this summer-like weather at the end of April. Check out the attached designs for the latest in our sticker variants.

We've been given the green light to spend up to $500 on a run of one or both of these designs as well as any other educational or promotional materials we'd like to produce for Bike Month. I made a mistake in sending the Bike Month proclamation a bit late, so we'll see if it's included in Tuesday's City Council meeting or not, but you can find that attached too.

Other great news: the city is proceeding with plans to install an example / experimental sharrow corridor ASAP! May might be pushing it, but I'm told definitely by June. Wahoo!

As you'll recall from April's minutes, we're planning on a couple rides in May -- and the minutes stated that we're planning on Bike to Work Day (BTWD) on May 12th in conjunction with the first casual ride that our casual ride committee has planned.

I haven't heard of anyone outside the board promoting that date yet (nor of anyone recruiting sponsors or whatnot for that date), and I've spoken with a few people who think that the 12th might be just a *wee* bit too hectic with graduation. Given that, and given that the rest of the country has chosen May 19th as BTWD, I'm suggesting that we scrap our BTWD plans for the 12th (not the casual ride, just the BTWD stuff) and reschedule them for the 19th.

Please voice your objections, concerns, or questions about the above if you have any, as well as send me agenda items you'd like included for next meeting. I'm shooting to have the agenda out tonight, but it will probably be tomorrow.

Huzzah bikes!

J.D. Gatlin
Chair, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
City of Morgantown, WV 26505
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles


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