I'm a proud uncle. I just want to share with Morgantown bike friends my pleasure and pride at the efforts of my niece, Natalie Ramsland, in Portland, Oregon. She is a custom bike builder, specializing in bikes for women. But she is also more: an articulate writer and spokesperson for so many green and smart ideas that we share. She is also CAR-FREE!


Nick Hein called my attention to the fact that Natalie is featured in a story in the recent Bicycling magazine. I've not seen the story yet, I'm looking forward to it.

Also, for all, including Natalie, our Uphill Struggle, "Max's Challenge" project is going forward. We have parade permits from the municipalities of Morgantown and Star City, for the group ride that is set for August 16, up Monongahela Boulevard and down to the Star City park.

Information here:


John Lozier
"It's an UPHILL STRUGGLE to get folks to think of bikes as TRANSPORTATION"