We'd need at least 14 feet of lane width to add a bike lane, green or
otherwise. I am not aware of any lanes that wide in Morgantown or WV.
The reason we advocated for sharrows
Lane Markings) is that they can be installed on lanes that are less
than 14 feet wide (at least 4 feet from the curb with no car pakring or
11 feet the curb with on-street parking (MUTCD standard) and when
accompanied by Bicycles May Use Full Lane
can be effective. That's what we succeeded in getting through the City
and the State until there was a personnel change in the WVDOH that
resulted in their retracting their approval. Now, Janel is leading a
project intended to get that approval again.
The BB will have to decide by consensus what the logo will represent,
i.e. whether or not it has the BB name. To change the name of the
Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board we will have to get concurrence from
the Traffic Commission that formed and governs us. Attached are the
Procedural Guidelines that define us. Please also be aware that the
BB's vision states: "All Morgantown
residents can enjoy bicycling safely and fearlessly anywhere, anytime,
for any reason. "
Aira, last night, I sent you the Bicycle Board's November report to the
Traffic Commission. The report is organized by the E's. You might
also look at our application for a LAB Bicycle Friendly Community award
. The criteria for the award are the E's and reading through the
criteria provides a clear idea of what each E means. FYI, since we
applied for the award in 2008, the LAB added a 6th E: Equality. The BB
November report to the TC explains it.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of
On 12/4/2009 10:41 AM, Aira Loren Burkhart wrote:
Here is the Austin article I was talking about. I
the large painted road areas look very understandable to drivers and
cyclists alike.
Also, will the logo depict the name as "Morgantown Bicycle Board"? My
husband suggested that "Morgantown Bicycle Authority" (MBA) has more
teeth to it. "Morgantown Bicycle Commission" also sounds somewhat more
official than "Board" though less so than "Authority".
Please send the newsletter with the "E" statements and also specify if
you would like any kind of slogan incorporated into the "seal/logo"
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