Hey guys,

I successfully converted the Morgantown Bike Route file, which was yellow on the my aerial map last night, from a shapefile (.shp) which is used by my ArcGIS software to a KML or KMZ file, which is used by Google Earth.  It overlayed correctly in Google Earth.  My next step is to figure out how we can post this on Google Earth and Google Maps for future use by a broader audience.  However, in the meantime, if you regularly create routes by using Google Earth, Google Maps, MapMyRide, etc please continue to do so.  I'm confident that if I could convert from a shapefile to KML or KMZ, then I could use your KML or KMZ files.  Please send me your routes via KML or KMZ files, and I'll let you know if I succesfully bring them into my mapping.  Then we'll proceed from there.  

Those of you who are more comfortable with paper maps, please feel free to mark those up as well.  I'll do a good job of copying your routes onto our mapping.  I promise! 
Please get me your routes ASAP.  I would like to have them in by next week.  If you're busy, I understand, but let's not take any longer than 2 weeks.  That will give me a few weeks to map all of your routes before the next Bike Board meeting so that we can, as a Bike Board, begin assigning symbology to each route.  I will map the routes given to me last night and email a PDF to all.  I will try to finish this up by Sunday (8-9-09).  I will attempt to make the file size small and manageable, but maintain enough quality so you can easily view it and make decisions while drawing your routes.

I already have an email in to John Lefelhocz, owner of CyclePath who was key in creating the Athens, OH Commuter Map concerning use of their symbols.  I will also email him and find out if he can give us a synopsis on their criteria or a copy of their definitions of each symbol if possible.  Then, I'll use part of our definitions and road examples from last night with his, create a legend with definitions, and get it approved by the Bike Board to be ready for choosing the symbols for each route we pick at the next meeting. 

Sounds ambitious, but I think it's possible if you guys can get me your routes in the next 1-2 weeks.  

Have a nice weekend.  Hope to see you out on the roads! 

P.S. Aira and Adam, thanks for your attendance and input.  Come again!

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells

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