Hi Kasey,
When we met in Morgantown on September 28, you asked me to think about a legislative agenda. Attached, please find CClegislationV06.docx: "WV Connecting Communities Legislative Agenda:
Proposed Bicycle Legislation Changes". This represents the consensus of the Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board. In it, we recommend that Connecting Communities work to:
- Repeal WV 17C-11-5 (a) which requires bicyclists to ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable.
- Repeal WV 17C-11-5 (c) which prohibits bicyclists from riding on the roadway whenever a usable path is provided adjacent to the roadway and requires bicyclists to ride on the path.
- Amend WV 17C-7-3 to require motorists to pass bicyclists at a distance not less than 4-feet at a careful and prudent reduced speed.
- Adopt the 2009 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
The document contains rationale and substantiating data for the recommendations.
Also, please find attached, Connecting Communities-MgtnBB.docx. This is your white paper marked up by the Morgantown Bicycle Board. Please see the changes and comments made using track changes and comments in MS Word. Mostly they make it more exact, clear and correct. Also, we suggest that the vision statement should create a clear image of the future state that we want to achieve. For example, "Our vision is people walking and bicycling to their neighborhood grocery store and kids walking and bicycling safely to school".
We look forward to discussing these two documents with Connecting Communities members at the October 13 meeting.
Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles