Hey guys,
I think we should schedule our Bike Route Map meeting for Monday the 14th around 6pm.  Frank, who should I contact to find a room to meet in? 

Ryan, Gunnar, and Chet..  I know this time might not work for you, but please let me know ASAP.  Thanks!


“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells

From: guitardeek@hotmail.com
To: gshogren@gmail.com; chet_parsons@urscorp.com; rlarue@boparc.org; doliver1@mix.wvu.edu; rpostwvu@gmail.com; fgmeindl@verizon.net; bikeboard@cheat.org
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 08:33:24 -0500
Subject: [Bikeboard] Bike Route Map meeting....

Hey guys,
Let's try hard to meet within the next week or two.  Please reply to this ASAP, so we can determine the date, time, and place.  The folks who were selected for this committee last night were: Gunnar Shogren, Chet Parsons, Ralph LaRue, Derek Springston, maybe Duncan Oliver, and maybe Ryan Post.  Any other Bike Board members are welcome to attend. 

I am available on these days:
Monday Dec. 7th - after 5pm
Thurs.   Dec. 10th - after 5pm
Monday Dec. 14th - after 5pm
Tues.    Dec. 15th - after 5pm

Please place your name next to any of these evenings that will work for you.  If anyone else needs added to this email, please let me know. 

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells

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