From: Kasey Russell <>Date: October 2, 2013 10:40:39 AM EDTTo: Andrea Salina <>, Bill Austin <>, Breanna Shell <>, Brendan Bell <>, Charles Holley <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Craig Slaughter <>, Dennis A Strawn <>, Don Spencer <>, Ella Belling <>, Emily Vasile <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Gail Pitchford <>, Gary Zuckett <>, Greg Garrett <>, "" <>, Jeffrey Lusk <>, John Francis <>, John Manchester <>, "Laura M. Dice" <>, Michael Loughney <>, Michael Plante <>, Patricia Clay <>, Patrick Donovan <>, Rahul Gupta <>, Rich Harper <>, Stacy Bisker <>, Steve Fowler <>, Ted Armbrecht <>, Tom Heywood <>, Tom Wood <>Subject: WV Connecting Communities UpdatePlease find attached three documents: first, a letter from Dennis Strawn, President of the Board, WVCC; second, our most recent membership form; third, the Legislative Bike Ride Invite.Action items: Join WVCC!! You can now visit our website, and donate via PayPal or credit card.Send me events/projects/cool things concerning walking and cycling in your part of the state so we can include them on the WVCC site.Send a personal note with the Legislative Bike Ride invite to your Delegate and Senator. Join them on the bike ride on Oct. 20th if you would like. If you plan to join us, please let me know.Thanks for your time, attention and action!Kasey