FYI about this Wednesday's Traffic Commission meeting.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Date: September 30, 2013 11:06:51 PM EDT
To: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Martha Summers <>, Stan Cohen <>, Sarah Bias <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, Maria Smith <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Jan Derry <>, Tom Bias <>, Mike Fike <>, Kim Hartsell <>, Debbie Cain <>, Margaret Stout <>, Dan Harris <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Matt Cross <>, Jim Rye <>, Ella Belling <>, Mike Breiding <>, Bill Kawecki <>, Bill Austin <>, Josh Woods <>, Bobbi Sykes <>, Emily Vasile <>, Carol Rotruck <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Claire Chantler <>, Michael Simms <>, Maria Brann <>, Don Spencer <>
Cc:, Matthew Gurka <>, Mary Gainer <>, Peter Wentzel <>
Subject: WVU Construction & Police enforcement to be discussed Wed!!!
Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>

All -
Please find attached this Wednesday's Traffic Commission agenda. There are two items of critical importance to the Pedestrian Safety Board: 1) an update from WVU Construction; and 2) speeding/pedestrian behavior & enforcement.

I strongly encourage you all to attend and briefly talk about your specific concerns/observations/reasons for interest in the issue. I may stir the pot a bit, but work toward a plan of action of course. We start at 6:30 at City Council chambers on Spruce Street.

Mike B, Regina, and/or Jan - want to speak about the Willey Street temporary sidewalk closure and ADA issues during public comments at the beginning of the meeting?
Maria - want to send any students to remind folks about some key highlights from their study that may inform enforcement?
Kelly, Matt, Peter, Mary - want to reinforce the powerful message you presented at last month's meeting? 

It's time to speak much more often and much more loudly. Lives are at stake.
Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board
Christiaan Abildso, Chair
Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair