"Easier by bike than by car, actually"

90,000 population, inc. 50,000 students; 60% trips in city center by bike

1977 traffic circulation plan blocked motorists from city center; they must go around; only cyclists and pedestrians could go through ==> trip by car: 12 minutes; trip by bike: 2 minutes.

No sprawl.

Central transit stop has 5,000 indoor bike racks, no charge plus 5,000 more with fee. "On weekend, all full."

Employers REQUIRED to provide secure parking, showers.

Bike share system with stations at every transit stop.

New residential and commercial developments extend the bicycling and pedestrian network; even building special bridges.

"You're not going to get a cycling revolution by having a few 30 km narrow streets, by building just a few cycle paths or by traffic calming a few streets; you have to do everything and you have to do it everywhere"

Quiet, peaceful... but also, flat.

Crossings between motor traffic and bicycle traffic not shown: no crash statistics.

No mention of cost but savings from not having to build more motorways is evident.


On Oct 15, 2013, at 4:51 PM, zhang jing wrote: