hello all

It's seems a lot of the broad members are unable to attend so I'm canceling the meeting for tomorrow, 7-9-09

thank you,
good day
> From: gshogren@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 13:36:46 -0400
> To: bikeboard@cheat.org
> Subject: [Bikeboard] July Meeting Concern
> Good day all,
> Don asked me to send this email, as he is currently... ah... doing
> field work for the Board (he's out cycling).
> His concern is that if enough folks aren't planning on coming to the
> meeting this Thursday, then he'd like to not worry about it and such
> what-not (it would be cancelled).
> But *if* there are enough folks that are planning on attending then by
> all means we will have it.
> So *please* reply to this and let Don know if you of your status.
> Thanks,
> gunnar.
> Don's PS
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> Bikeboard mailing list
> Bikeboard@cheat.org
> http://cheat.org/mailman/listinfo/bikeboard

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