Hi All,

I have something last minute that I need to take care of tonight and I won't be able to make it to the meeting afterall. I was supposed to bring the Oreos so hopefully someone else has a stash at home to supply.

As far as Allstate, I followed up with them last week with some information they requested but have not heard back since then. I will give Susan a call next week to see if she has an idea of whether or not they are still interested. 

Apologies for my absence tonight.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Gunnar Shogren <gshogren@gmail.com> wrote:
Meeting is this evening.
Hope to see you all there!
Bring some coffee or whatever beverage you prefer to have with Oreos...


February Bike Board Meeting
February 6, 2014, 6:30pm-
Morgantown Public Safety Building

223. Traci; Find out if any WVU sustainability interns are interested
in serving on the BB
224. Damien; Organize a meeting between city officials and BB to
discuss the Law & Order article that will include Damien,  someone
from the city manager's office, the police chief,  Chip, Gunnar, and
230. Damien; Talk to Fred about BFC sign
235. Damien; Pull counts from counters and send to BB
236. Jing; Send information to BB about October traffic counts and
send a list of other suggested intersections for counts
239. Emily; Email BB to ask who is interested in meeting with Clement
Solomon at WVU
253. Emily, Marilyn, Gunnar; Review the education components from the
Bike Plan to come up with a proposal for Allstate
254. Emily, Damien; Volunteered to be the 'count committee' and pull
together what various data collecting methods we can take  back to the
255. Gunnar, Chip; Volunteered to pull together examples of secure
bicycle parking that we can take back to the COW
256. Gunnar; Will check in with Damien to get the label for the secure
bicycle parking that's already installed
257. Damien; Will get an agenda item on the next Traffic Commission
agenda to approve our proposed membership  changes
258. Traci, Andrew, Jing; Will work on parameters for bike parking to
share with Chris Fletcher
259. Jing; Ask WVU student named Greg if he would like to be on the BB
since he came to one of his bike plan input  meetings
260. Emily, Gunnar, Mayilyn, Frank, Andrew; Will meet as a
subcommittee called "Ways to Spend Allstate's Money"
261. Derek; Will be the TAP rep from the BB to talk about chosen
projects to Jeff Mikorski
261. Chip; Send the WV Connecting Communities Powerpoint from the
meeting he attended to the BB

* Schmooze Time
* Last minute agenda items
* Approve last month's minutes
* Action Items
* Ripe Bananas
* Welcome First Sergeant Matt McCabe our newest ex-officio member and
ask him for his views on the BB and how to implement the enforcement
part of the Bicycle Plan.
  Planned Enforcement Actions:
    1. Establish and maintain a plan for traffic enforcement to
improve bicycling safety and to reduce the perceived risk of bicycling
in Morgantown.
    2. Conduct an annual Enforcement for Bicycle Safety workshop with
the Morgantown Police department.
    3. Send rights and duties postcard to motorists that cyclists or
others observed and reported violating bicyclist rights.
    4. Handout rights and duties card along with citation to cyclists
who violate rules of the road.
    5. Cite bicyclists who run stop signs, ride against traffic, make
improper turns or violate other laws.
    6. Cite motorists for improper driving around cyclists with
emphasis on failure to stop for stop signs, failure to yield at
intersections and passing cyclists too closely and too fast.
    7. Measure bicycle use, bicycle crashes, bicycle injuries, and
bicycle-related citations and publish the results quarterly and
yearly.  Analyze data to identify opportunities for increasing bicycle
use and reducing crashes. Every year, 2 months before the beginning of
the City's annual budget cycle, conduct an annual review with City
Council, Chief of Police, City Engineer and the Bicycle Board of
trends in bicycle use, bicycle crashes, bicycle injuries and,
bicycle-related citations and identify required changes to the Bicycle
Plan and related plans and operations.
* Transportation Alternative Grants: Updates
* Allstate Proposal: Updates
* H.B. 4304; Frank would like to hear each member say what he or she
will do to get H.B. 4304 passed.  Desired outcome: ideas and BB full
court press to get the bill passed.
* MPO Bicyle Plan; Update
* Project reviews
  Move, modify, or delete
* Review meeting
* Adjourn

Ongoing Projects-
1.  Bike racks at schools
      Jonathan, Alice, Marilyn
2.  Bicycle safety programs at schools, teaching safety and Safe
Routes to School
      Andrew, Frank
3.  Create singletrack trails in city
      Colin, Andrew, Alice, Mark Wise, Ella Belling
4.  Complete parking inventory, identify parking gaps
      Derek, Jing, Damien
5.  Update SLM and STR sign locations
      Derek, Jing, Damien, Emily
6.  Identify signs, markings, facilities on BikeMorgantown.com
      Derek, Jing, Damien, Traci
7.  Other GIS ideas
      Derek, Jing, Damien
8.  Show WVU bike racks on WVU google map of campus
9.  Represent BB on Connecting Communities
      Frank, Jonathan, Bill (liason)
10. Morgantown Bicycling & Transit Map
      Jing, Colin
11. White paper to recommend bike friendly elements in Evansdale &
Hospital redevelopment
      Traci, Jonathan, Chip
12. Get all major employers rated Bicycle Friendly Businesses
      Chip, Jonathan, Emily
14. Implement Complete Streets action in Bicycle Plan
      Damien, Frank
15. Write grants (HSIP, etc.)
      Jeff Mikorski, Traci
18. Build Stakeholder involvement
      Emily, Jonathan, Frank, Traci
19. Moving the Bicycle Plan forward
    Frank (reluctantly), Emily (but sure...), Traci (no tag line)

Gunnar Shogren, Vice Chairman - Fifth Ward
Traci Knabenshue, Secretary - Sixth Ward
Colin Dierman - First Ward
Emily Vasile - Second Ward
Andrew Walker - Fifth Ward
Frank Gmeindl - Sixth Ward
Marilyn Newcome - Seventh Ward
Jonathan Rosenbaum - Seventh Ward
Derek Springston - Greater Morgantown
Chip Wamsley - Greater Morgantown
Jing Zhang - Greater Morgantown
Damien Davis - City Engineering Ex-Officio
David Bruffy - Mountain Line Ex-Officio
Bill Austin - Morgantown Monongalia MPO Ex-Officio
First Sergeant Matt McCabe - Morgantown City Police Ex-Officio
Christiaan Abildso - Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board Ex-Officio
Sam Stone - Legal Ex-Officio

vacant, Chairman
vacant - Second Ward
vacant - Greater Morgantown
vacant - Greater Morgantown
vacant - Traffic Commission Representative
vacant - WVU Cycling Representative
vacant - Youth Commission Member
vacant - WVU Transportation and Parking Ex-Officio
vacant - BOPARC Ex-Officio

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