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Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: American Bicyclist Update---June 8, 2009
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:58:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: League of American Bicyclists <>

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American Bicyclists Update Archives

June 8, 2009


Two weeks ago we reported on Energy Secretary Chu's love of bicycling - news that was quickly followed by the revelation that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor also enjoys a spin around the neighborhood. Click here for the AP article. Seems like the timing for our Equality Statement was pretty good!


Andy Clark
President, League of American Bicyclists

League News
Smart Cycling Conference
Smart Cycling LinkThere are less than two weeks to go to the Smart Cycling Conference in San Jose - so check out the exciting program, various riding opportunities and area attractions, and sign up at the competitive conference rates that are good through June 12. We're looking forward to lively educational sessions, and you'll be the first to learn who the recipients are of two of the League's prestigious national awards. There's also a Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, June 18! Register for the conference today!

Thank you to our Sponsors NBDA and CycleAware!
League 2009 Rally
League Logo and LinkRegistration is now open for Weekend on Wheels
2009 - the League National Rally of Bicyclists. The Twin Cities Bicycling Club, in partnership with the League and the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota, is the proud host of the National Rally at the annual WOW event, July 31 through August 2 in Winona, Minn.
The weekend is jam-packed with activities. There will be three full days of riding with route support and full-service rest stops. Routes will be from 25 to 62 miles Friday and Sunday, and 25 to 100 miles on Saturday. For mountain bikers, check out the great trails around Winona on Saturday afternoon.
Go to for more information.

World News

There is Safety in Numbers
In a comparison of cycle use and cyclists' safety in English cities and counties, CTC - the UK's national cyclists' organization, has found new evidence that cycling gets safer the more cyclists there are. The data show that the places with the highest cycle use - York, Cambridgeshire and Hull - are also the safest places to cycle. Also, in London there has been a 91% increase in cycle use since 2000, together with a 33% reduction in the actual number of cyclist casualties over roughly the same period. This adds weight to international evidence that the best way to improve cyclists' safety is to encourage more people to cycle. Source

National News

Proposal to End Federal Funding for Bike Projects
Representatives John Boehner (R-OH) and Eric Cantor (R-VA) proposed putting a stop to Federal funding for bicycle projects and programs. In a letter to President Obama, the two leading House Republicans proposed cutting all funding for Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to Schools and Nonmotorized pilot programs in the President's budget - more than $5 billion over the next five years. Read more.

Federal Transportation Policy and
Planning Act of 2009
Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, introduced The Federal Surface Transportation Policy and Planning Act of 2009. One major goals of the act is to reduce national per capita motor vehicle miles traveled on an annual basis. Read the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation's press release. Read more at Transportation for America.
Blumenauer's Three Specific Initiatives
Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) recently revealed his current top three initiatives. The first is what Blumenauer calls a "visible achievement project." The project would put bike lanes on Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C - a high profile pr move. It's one of the most famous streets in America; it's home to the White House, numerous federal office buildings, and it leads directly into the U.S. Capitol building. The next priority Blumenauer shared is his desire to set a national goal for biking. The idea here is to set a reachable target for advocates (both inside and outside of government) to shoot for in the re-write of the new transportation bill. The final national priority Blumenauer said he's working on is to expand the Safe Routes to Schools program into high schools and the American workplace. Safe Routes was funded with $600 million in the last transportation bill but is currently only focused on elementary schools. The Safe Routes to Schools National Partnership is already backing a new bill that would triple funding for the program and take it into high schools. Read more.

State & Local News
Safe Passing Bill Passes Texas House and Senate
The final version of Texas' Safe Passing Bill, SB 488, was passed May 31, 2009 by the Texas House, and the Senate overwhelmingly voted to pass it on June 1, 2009. That was the final step for the bill to complete in the Legislature and now it is being sent to Governor Perry. We will know the outcome by June 21, the last day the Governor can sign or veto bills. Read the bill.

Westchester Cycle Club in a Rumble
over Rumble Strips
The Westchester Cycle Club filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Transportation based upon accidents involving rumble strips along a rustic stretch of Route 100. Rumble strips, an audible road delineator that ridges the area parallel to highways and is meant to startle dozing drivers and keep them on the road, are usually confined to heavily trafficked highways but they are becoming more popular on smaller roads. Visit the Westchester Cycle Club. Source: New York Times

Complete Streets in Philadelphia
Philadelphia was recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community on June 4, 2009 as the League of American Bicyclists presented Mayor Michael A. Nutter with the League's prestigious Bicycle Friendly Community Award at the Bronze Level. Mayor Nutter also signed Philadelphia's first Complete Streets Executive Order which makes full consideration of cyclists, pedestrians and public transit users an integral part of streets planning by City Departments and agencies. Read more. Visit the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philidelphia.

Tempe's New Transportation Hub
The City of Tempe, Ariz. and ValleyMetro, the transit authority that provides the region's new light rail system, have just created a new facility that incorporates smart growth, green building and sustainable transportation. The Tempe Transportation Center and the Metro light rail line opened this past December. Source:

Mississippi Update
Oxford, Miss., the state's first Bicycle Friendly Community, is part of Mississippi's efforts to certify 30 new safety instructors, both to make biking safer in the state and to promote more use of biking for recreation and transportation. The Mississippi Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School program is sponsoring the training in conjunction with Bike Walk Mississippi. "In exchange for support from the Mississippi Department of Transportation for the training, each participant will commit to providing five courses in the coming year to local schools, youth groups and community organizations," said Dr. Mike Mossing, chairman of Oxford's Pathways Commission. Read more. Visit Bike Walk Mississippi.

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's free
Urban Cycling Workshop

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition hosts two part bike education classes for adults to teach safe and confident urban cycling. The urban cycling workshops are free. Read more about these classes in the San Francisco Chronicle article "Safe Streets: Workshops Help Cyclists Trim Risk."

Miami Valley Cycling Summit
Join forces with cycling enthusiasts, public officials and advocacy groups from around the Miami Vally, Ohio region in their efforts to make Miami Valley the first bike friendly region in Ohio. The Miami Valley Cycling Summit will provide engaging workshops, roundtables, presentations and much more. Read more.

Other News
The Alliance for Biking & Walking is
Awarding Seven Grants

The Alliance for Biking & Walking is awarding seven grants totaling over $125,000 to grassroots biking and walking advocacy organizations. The Advocacy Advance Grants will be used to jump-start emerging advocacy organizations and to fund innovative campaigns with the potential to dramatically increase biking and walking. These grants are a key part of the Advocacy Advance Partnership with the League of American Bicyclists.  Launched this year, the grants are made possible with generous funding by SRAM, Planet Bike, Bikes Belong, and Cannondale. Nearly 100 proposals totaling over $2 million were received in this first round.
Read more.


League Job Opportunity
The League is hiring a Membership Director. The primary objective of this position is to manage all functions related to membership, including but not limited to the recruitment, retention and engagement of members. Read more.

The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America's 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit

In This Issue
Smart Cycling Conference
2009 League Rally
Safety in Numbers
Proposal to End Federal Funding for Bike Projects
Federal Transportation Policy & Planning Act
Blumenauer's Wish List
Safe Passing Bill in Texas
Rumble over Rumble Strips
Philadelphia Complete Steets
Tempe Transportation Hub
Mississippi Update
Urban Cycling Workshops
Miami Valley Cycling Summit
Alliance for Biking & Walking Awarding Grants
League Job Opportunity
League on Facebook & Twitter!
Donate to the League

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