Hello Everybody,

First there is no meeting tonight.  The room we usually use isn't available until the first of next year due to some renovations going on at the Public Safety Building.

We need to find another place for meetings.  In the past we have have used the library (sometimes it's hard to get a room and they close at 8), Panera Bread and Black Bear in Evansdale, and the Blue Moose (they are closing earlier now). Get your thinking caps on and come up with some ideas and also your thoughts on days that you can and cannot meet.  It would be nice to get together next week.

With signs and markings going down on the road we need to get back to looking at a map that is easily used from mobile devices, get a plan for posting on social media and doing social rides, look into partnering with a group to do some ongoing stations on commuter routes like boulders Pastries on the Path ( https://www.boulderfoodrescue.org/potp/ ).

Put your thinking caps on and respond!
