Good morning,
I was skimming the League's review of Morgantown's BFC application and I was really feeling good about all the things that you've all accomplished in educating cyclists and motorists about sharing the road.  At the same time, I was troubled by a phone call I got last nite from a Fairmont cyclist (she prefers not to use her name) last nite after she rode from her home on Fairmont Ave. to the MAC trail saying that she had been harassed by drivers and passengers  shouting arrogant, agressive and sexist remarks.  She has taken the Confident City Cyclist class, was riding vehicularly and was behaving safely in every way.  She was in tears talking about how it felt, and rightly expressed that someone who is exercising their legal right to the road shouldn't have to put up with being treated badly.  She was also rightly concerned for her safety, as this treatment is distracting and in one case occurred while she was crossing the 3rd St high bridge.

I suggested that she do the following:
Write a letter to the editor of the local paper (Times West-Virginian) or see if an article can be submitted
Contact riders with the Fairmont Fliers and see if they would be interested in adding their experiences
Contact Joe Sallmen, a regular Fairmont commuter to South Fairmont

Is there anything we can offer to riders in Fairmont to help spread some of the driver and rider awareness we've created here?

I appreciate any help and will pass it on.  I really like this particular volunteer but nobody should have to put up with this kind of treatment - and this might be an opportunity to change attitudes city-wide.  Especially during bike week.

Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
803 East Brockway Ave
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213