Bicycle Board Members,

What do you think of the following ranking of the projects in the Bicycle Plan? Please look at at least the first 14 and let me know if you have any problem with them being top ranked.

Rank Projects
1 Enf7.     Cite motorists for improper driving around cyclists with emphasis on failure to stop for stop signs, failure to yield at intersections and passing cyclists too closely and too fast
2 Enc13.  Remove school prohibitions on bicycling to schools that have established safe routes. 
3 Enc11.  Establish and mark safe routes to schools extending at least ¼ mile from every school including Eastwood Elementary School, Mountaineer Middle School, Dorsey Avenue Pre-school, Mountainview Elementary School, North Elementary School, Suncrest Elementary and Middle Schools, Morgantown High School, and South Middle School.
4 Eva5.     Analyze bicycle use and crash data to identify opportunities for increasing use and reducing crashes.
5 Eva4.     Measure bicycle crashes and bicycle injuries and publish the results quarterly and annually.
6 Enc1.     Establish and maintain a budget to enable implementation of this plan.
7 Eva6.     Conduct an annual review with City Council, Chief of Police, City Engineer and the Bicycle Board of trends in bicycle use and incidents and identify required changes to the Bicycle Plan and related plans.
8 Enc12.  Provide training to parents and students on safe routes and commuting to school.
9 Enf5.     Cite bicyclists who run stop signs, ride against traffic, make improper turns or violate other laws
10 Eng12.  Replace or work with appropriate entities to replace all drain grates that can catch bicycle wheels with grates that are bicycle friendly.
11 Enf1.     Establish and maintain a plan for traffic enforcement to improve bicycling safety and to reduce the perceived risk of bicycling in Morgantown
12 Ed5.     Encourage the Board of Education to establish a Safe Routes to School (LAB Kids II) class in every school
13 Eng13.  Keep roadways, especially bike lanes and uphill shoulders, clear of glass, debris, snow and ice.
14 Eng14.  Encourage redesigning University Avenue between Falling Run Road and Patteson Drive, to widen the up-hill side, providing a bicycle-climbing lane.
15 Eng27.  Encourage WVDOH to coordinate with Star City to widen University Avenue from Boyers Avenue to Patteson Drive during course of regular maintenance (resurfacing) sufficiently to enable motorists to pass bicyclists safely, especially on the climbing sections, or design and develop a Star City bicycle path parallel to University Avenue from Boyers Avenue to Patteson Drive.
16 Ed4.     Continue to support the Confident City Cycling program as defined on including Traffic Skills 101 and Bicycle Commuter courses
17 Eng6.     Arrange for the state to install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs on all state maintained arterials that have speed limits less than 35 mph that meet established criteria for Shared Lane Marking and Bicycles May Use Full Lane sign installation.
18 Eva1.     Establish and maintain a plan for measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of the City’s Bicycle Plan.
19 Enf6.     Capture and publish daily, monthly and annual data on traffic violations involving bicycles, crashes involving bicyclists and the cause of crashes
20 Eng2.     Implement the Complete Streets policy established in 2007: all street resurfacing or other modifications will include a written Complete Street plan that is reviewed and commented on by the Bicycle Board before they can be implemented. 
21 Eva2.     Measure resources applied to implement this plan and publish the results quarterly and annually.
22 Eng4.     Install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs on all City maintained arterials that meet established criteria for Shared Lane Marking and Bicycles May Use Full Lane sign installation.
23 Eng18.  Take the lead and work with WVDOH to install a bicycle lane on both sides of WV 705 from Willowdale Road to Mileground Road.
24 Enc5.     Encourage management of key City offices such as Engineering, Public Works and Police departments to improve support of bicycling in Morgantown.
25 Eng7.     Arrange for the state to install Share the Road signs on all State maintained arterials that have speed limits greater than 35 mph that meet established criteria for Shared Lane Marking and Bicycles May Use Full Lane sign installation.
26 Ed3.     Continue the Morgantown Effective Bicycling Education Program as defined in the 2008 Transportation Enhancement Program grant, which includes educating motorists on cyclist rights and duties and how to drive around cyclists
27 Eng29.  Encourage WVDOH to move the intersection of West Run Road and Route 119 to the Easton Hill Road.  Widen and straighten West Run Road to improve sight lines.  Install shared lane markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs from Van Voorhis Road to the intersection with Easton Hill Road.  Install Share the Road signs from the Route 119 and Route 857 intersection south on Route 857 to Old Cheat Road, along the Old Cheat Road, on Cheat Road from Cheat Lake to Pierpont Road.
28 Enc14.  Reward students for bicycling to school.
29 Enf2.     Conduct an annual Enforcement for Bicycle Safety workshop with the Morgantown Police department
30 Enc4.     Employ certified bicycle instructors.
31 Ed6.     Coordinate with WVU to provide LAB Bicycle Commuter and Traffic Skills 101 courses to all students, faculty and staff
32 Ed1.     Establish and maintain a bicycling education plan
33 Eng17.  Take the lead and work with WVDOH to install bicycle-climbing lane on Monongahela Boulevard between Boyers Avenue and Patteson Drive.
34 Eng15.  Conduct a comprehensive traffic flow and redesign study of the Sunnyside, Wiles Hill and Evansdale areas to minimize the difficulty and perceived risk of bicycle travel between WVU campuses.
35 Eq1.     Identify and repeal ordinances that discriminate against bicyclists, or restrict their right to travel, or reduce their safety relative to other travelers
36 Eng16.  Take the lead and work with WVDOH to install bicycle-climbing lane on Monongahela Boulevard between Eighth Street and Evansdale Drive.
37 Eva3.     Measure bicycle use and publish the results quarterly and annually
38 Eng21.  Maintain the rail trails to be free of glass, snow and ice.
39 Ed2.     Conduct annual reviews of bicycling education progress
40 Enf4.     Handout rights and duties card along with citation to cyclists who violate rules of the road
41 Enc6.     Establish a bicycle route map for the City and classify all streets in terms of their bicycle friendliness.
41 Enc7.     Establish way-finding signage and roadway markings to support the bicycle route map
43 Eng31.  Every year, 2 months before the beginning of the City’s annual budget cycle, conduct a review of bicycle infrastructure issues and improvements with City Council, the Traffic Commission and the Bicycle Board.
44 Enf3.     Send rights and duties postcard to motorists that cyclists or others observed and reported violating bicyclist rights
45 Enf9.     Every year, 2 months before the beginning of the City’s annual budget cycle, conduct a review with the City Manager, City Council, the Traffic Commission and the Bicycle Board of bicycle use, violation citations, crash statistics and recommended actions for improvement
46 Eng19.  Encourage the state to make Greenbag Road bicycle friendly.
47 Enc2.     Coordinate with the Morgantown Monongalia MPO and the Monongalia County Commission to establish and maintain a Monongalia countywide bicycle plan
48 Enc8.     Coordinate with the Morgantown Monongalia MPO to encourage WVU and other employers to provide bicycle parking, lockers and shower facilities for employees who chose to bicycle to work.
49 Enc10.  In conjunction with local businesses and the local bicycling community, support regularly scheduled rides.
50 Eng25.  Design and build Health Center Connector from old North Fire Station to Law School, the Health Center, and Mountaineer Field.
51 Eng9.     Advocate secure short-term bicycle parking within 100 feet of bicyclist destinations in commercial districts.
52 Enf8.     Support traffic judge requiring motorists that police cite for breaking the law and jeopardizing cyclists to complete the LAB course for motorists
53 Eng1.     Establish and maintain a plan for improving Morgantown’s infrastructure for bicycling.
54 Enc17.  Promote Bike to Work month, week and day by riding his or her bike down High Street.
55 Eng28.  Take the lead and work with appropriate entitites to design and build connector from Falling Run Road through WVU Farms to West Run Road to the Mon River Trail (at Beechurst Avenue and near Van Voorhis Road); and Mon River Trail to Bakers Ridge Road and University High School.
56 Eng24.  Build the Campus Connector from Grant Avenue to the WVU Evansdale Campus (with steps and bike-rail).
57 Eng30.  Encourage WVDOH to develop bike path in the West Run valley from Van Voorhis Road to I-68 and then west of I-68 in the general direction of I-68 to Sabraton to connect with the Decker Creek trail.
58 Enc16.  Review current implementation and consider expansion of the Planning and Zoning Code requiring developers of multi-family dwellings to provide bicycle parking and storage.
59 Eng11.  Coordinate with Mountain Line and WVU to establish reasonable bicycle parking at all bus and PRT stops.
60 Ed8.     Mention in any City-sponsored transportation-related education activities
61 Enc15.  Reward people for riding their bicycles instead of driving cars.
62 Eng8.     Determine current bicycle traffic patterns and update when infrastructure changes are contemplated and implemented.
63 Eng3.     Use the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities for the design of every new street and for every street improvement.
64 Eng20.  Take the lead and work with appropriate entities to improve alignment and sight lines at Deckers Creek trail crossings of Deckers Creek Blvd. and consider enhanced traffic control measures.
65 Eng10.  Encourage weatherproof and vandal-proof long-term bicycle parking in every city owned or managed parking garage.
66 Eng23.  Install bike/ped bridge in the location of the former Decker Avenue bridge across Decker’s Creek.
67 Eng22.  Install bike/ped bridge across Decker’s Creek from Valley Crossing to Brockway Avenue.
68 Enc18.  Achieve LAB Bicycle Friendly Community Bronze level award by 2012, Silver by 2015 and Gold by 2020.
69 Enc3.     Lead statewide bicycle plan development.
70 Enc9.     Establish a BikeMorgantown orientation package for newcomers.
71 Eng26.  Finish Krepps Park to Star City connector.
72 Ed7.     Request WVDMV to include in the motor vehicle driver exam a question on proper driving with bicycles
73 Eng5.     Work with the State to establish consistent standards for the installation of Share the Road signs.

I don't know how these will look on your screen.  They might be easier to read in th Excel file named Project Prioritization.xlsx in Dropbox at .  See the worksheet labeled RankedProjects.

I have not put the project priorities into the plan yet.  I would like your feedback first.

I have also revised the plan in response to all the comments we received.  See the file named MBPv12wchanges also at  This version has all the changes tracked from v09.  

Also are all of the review documents that we received.  In the documents from Ed Preston, Perry Keller, Terry Hough and Chris Fletcher, I added a BB response to each of their comments. 

I would like to send ASAP (certainly before the end of this week) to each of the reviewers the revised plan including the projects prioritized plus their review document with our responses to their comments.

Thanks for the help!


Begin forwarded message:

From: Frank Gmeindl <>
Date: December 8, 2011 11:08:53 AM EST
To: Bicycle Board <>
Subject: TC meeting

Bicycle Board Members,

The Traffic Commission unanimously appointed Colin Dierman to replace Jim Rye.  Welcome Colin!

Chairman Nutter recommended that the TC "go with the BB to take the Morgantown Bicycle Plan to City Council".

The TC members agreed to read the plan and e-mail comments to me.  The version they reviewed included changes in response to comment from Terrence Moore, Ed Preston, Bill Austin and Perry Keller.  I told them that after we sent it to them, we received comments from Terry Hough and Chris Fletcher.  I told them that none of the comments were show-stoppers and summarized them all as follows:
1.     Prioritize projects
2.     Include project budgetary cost estimates
3.     Soften wording from directive to guiding
4.     Limit scope to within Morgantown or separate within City from Greater Morgantown
5.     Don’t allocate projects to people that are not empowered to implement them
6.     Include maps to show engineering project locations
7.     Provide more citations for statements
I promised to send them within 1 week (by Dec. 14), a revision that addresses all the comments received so far.  Each of the above could be addressed separately and in parallel with the others by separate individuals/teams and could even be fun.  Some of them could even be fun.  Please let me know ASAP if you'll work on any of them.  

Other TC outcomes:

In the BB monthly report  to TC (attached), we reported accomplishment: Completed bicycling education video for children aged 5-10 years.  Commissioner Paul Steel who represents 2nd ward and who works at North Elementary asked if he could use the video.  I promised to send him the YouTube link when we have it.

First Sergeant Matt McCabe will not be an ex-officio member of the BB.  He discussed it with Chief Preston and they decided that McCabe's ex-officio position on the TC is adequate since the BB is an advisory board to the TC.  But, he also said that he would advise the BB and attend BB meetings whose agenda includes specific enforcement topics.

Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles