I recommend 10c (quoted below) be removed. Brandon Crawford brought this up at a prior meeting, but I didn’t see any follow up. I don’t see any benefit for cyclists from this, only increased hassle, and consequently less use of bicycles.
As part of the outcome from the last Bike Ed meeting, I would suggest adding to Section 10 that WVU implement a more integrated method for providing a way to teach students bicycling safety (TS101 or some variant). Suggesting it be a for credit class, offered as a 1 weekend version (Wilderness First Aid is offered like that), or the more stand 1hr/wk (or 2hr/wk for half semester).
I personally like the idea of 10n. Specifically at the Mtn Lair and Towers main crosswalks.
Although not bike related, schedule of parking lot closures should be made public; if they currently are, then that posting needs to be more obvious.
“10 c. A registration system for bicycles on campus should be explored. Many
campuses make use of such a registration system.”
From: bikeboard-bounces@cheat.org [mailto:bikeboard-bounces@cheat.org] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:43 AM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Draft WVU Transportation and Parking Plan
Bicycle Board Members,
By November 16, please send your comments on the WVU Transportation and Parking Plan to me w/cc to Hugh. I will compile them and send them to Nancy Lohman.
Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
Begin forwarded message:
From: Nancy Lohmann <nlohmann@wvu.edu>
Date: October 19, 2011 8:11:39 AM EDT
To: Tom Arnold <tarnold@cityofmorgantown.org>, Morgantown Parking Authority <parking@morgantown.com>, Morgantown City Council <citycouncil@cityofmorgantown.org>, Terrence Moore <tmoore@cityofmorgantown.org>, Chris Fletcher <cfletcher@cityofmorgantown.org>, Asel Kennedy <MonCom@aol.com>, Bill Austin <info@plantogether.org>, Roy Nutter <rnutter@wvu.edu>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net>, Christiaan Abildso <Christiaan.Abildso@mail.wvu.edu>, David Bruffy <bruffy@busride.org>
Cc: Narvel Weese <narvel.weese@mail.wvu.edu>, Randal Hudak <randy.hudak@mail.wvu.edu>, Hugh Kierig <Hugh.Kierig@mail.WVU.edu>
Subject: Draft WVU Transportation and Parking Plan
Good morning.
West Virginia University is in the process of revising its Transportation
and Parking Plan, which was last revised in 2007. I wanted to share a copy
of the draft plan with you and also invite your comments on it. A copy is
enclosed. Today or tomorrow the Plan will also be accesible through
http://transportation.wvu.edu/ <http://transportation.wvu.edu/>
We are inviting comments until NOVEMBER 18. After that date, the
Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee will begin to modify the plan
considering the feedback received.
Comments may be forwarded to TransParkPlan@mail.WVU.edu
<mailto:TransParkPlan@mail.WVU.edu> or TransPark Plan, P. O. Box 6205, WVU,
Morgantown, WV 26506-6205.
I know this is a busy time of the year but we would welcome any advice that
you may be able to offer. Thanks.
Nancy Lohmann, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor to the Vice President
for Administration and Finance
Professor of Social Work
101 Stewart Hall
P.O. Box 6205
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6205
Phone: 304-293-9200
Fax: 304-293-3493