Good plan!  I still plan to help.  I can lead a ride to and from HSC/NIOSH each day starting somewhere in South Park or perhaps on the rail trail by the pavillion.  Still some time to plan the best times/way to do that.  Let me know what other things you need help with and I'll see what I can bite off.


Stephen G. Graber

Biochem & Mol Pharmacology

PO Box 9142, HSN-3122

West Virginia University

Morgantown, WV 26506-9142

phone: 304-293-2305


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From: [] On Behalf Of D. Williams []
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:47 AM
To: 'Frank Gmeindl'; 'Bicycle Board'
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Bike Month Proclamation

Dear Bike board,


For Bike Month, I would like to campaign the National Bike Challenge May 1- August 31. I would like to promote Bike to School Day May 9, and I would like to promote Bike to Work Week May 14-18. I would like to have guided rides and routes established for Bike to Work Day on May 18.  I would like to promote these at the WVU sustainable Transportation Day April 18.  I have been working with Christiaan for walking events. I have also spoke with Nick at Positive Spin.  I think we need one consistent ad campaign and message for all of these events.  We can then distribute them.  I would also like to do feature interviews in the DP.  I will need help with all of this if you feel these are worthy to promote.  If you do not want to promote, I will do what I can although I’m am sure the rides and events will not have as much of an impact if you are not involved.


Please let me know.  I do have the volunteer sheet, but I was hoping to catch back up with everyone on Thursday.  Since that is not happening, I can send everyone emails as a way to get in touch for volunteering, etc.  Please get back to me when you can.




D. Williams


Planning is about leading, innovating and inspiring the next generation.” –APA, Communication Bootcamp



From: [] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 9:56 AM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Bike Month Proclamation


Bicycle Board Members,


For at least the past 3 years, the Bicycle Board has arranged for the Mayor to proclaim May as Bike Month in Morgantown.  Attached is last year's proclamation.  Since we are not meeting this month, are we going to drop the proclamation?  If not, I think this is an opportunity to have the Mayor publicize the things that we are going to do for bike month.  I thinking we could add them to the Whereas clauses.  PLEASE ADVISE.  e.g. what are we actually doing for bike month?


Frank D. Gmeindl

Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles