Angie will be available for the 1:30-3:00 Set Up and shoot of Spot 4 with her vehicle and pregnant belly (304-290-1271)
I originially offered to be available from 6:30-3:00, but since Nick is offering to take the early 6:30 slot (yeah!),
I'll be available from 8am-3:00 with clean bike, waxed vehicle, and handsome self. (304-290-7727)  I mean, we gotta look good, right?! 
Thanks Frank,

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 14:28:43 -0400
Subject: [Bikeboard] video spot cast

Bicycle Board members,

Thanks to Ryan, Chip, Alice, Betsy, Derek, Nick and Cat for responding to my plea for video spot actors!

The attached file contains the schedule for the video shots.  The last column shows who volunteered to perform, what time they'll be there and what role they want to play.  I think we have the necessary minimum but more would be good for diversity among the 7 spots.  If you haven't already volunteered, please let me know by 3:00 pm today.

As you can see from the attached, most people haven't selected a time.  Of course, it would be best if you could hang out with us all day but if you want to say what times you'll be there, please reply-all with that.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.