
More of an FYI and update than a full blown topic, but we have had some positive momentum on open streets initiative since the last Bike Board meeting. I will try to attend the BB meeting as well Aug 18 but not requesting full presentation time. 

I am presenting at the next Ped Safety meeting on Aug 13 at 4:30. I also requested time with the NCC on the same day but their meeting is canceled and next meeting is not until Sept 10. I also have requested time l with Health & Wellness but have not heard confirmation. I may request individual time on neighborhood meetings than wait only for the NCC meeting to keep things moving.

Lastly, I attended the Kern’s Bridge opening last Saturday and received some additional ideas for one route that would close S High bridge and “figure 8” around MHS to Greenmont and cross Route 7 to the trail and HRMP. There are other ideas as well we discussed previously involving a night ride with light decorations on the trail (maybe spur from existing social ride?) and also daytime rotating through neighborhoods. I am also registering a domain and starting on a simple static website. 


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 3:38 PM Drew Gatlin via Bikeboard <bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com> wrote:
Howdy board,

Hope your July has been swell and full of bike riding! Please find the agenda for our meeting tomorrow attached and send any potential ripe bananas my way.


J.D. Gatlin
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
B58 Engineering Sciences Building
West Virginia University
Chair, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
Morgantown, WV 26505
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