One good place for a photo might be several commuter types in the multi modal center.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Derek Springston" <>
Sent 5/4/2012 10:12:02 AM
To: "Bike Board - Morgantown" <>
Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Fwd: Bicycle Friendly Community Award

To All BB Members,

From Frank's April 28th email, he expressed the need to complete 5 items below in order to prepare for our Bicycle Friendly Community Award.  Traci Liebig and I have agreed to tackle the Community Profile in Item #3. However, my piece will be to get some photos for that profile.  This will be your chance to build your 'reputation' as you'll go on the LAB's BFC website!  :)  As Traci pointed out, here's a link to what we'll need to create for Morgantown.

1.  I'm asking for at least 3 Bike Board members to volunteer for a photo shoot at one to three locations around Morgantown.  Will likely take 1-2 hours (by bike hopefully).

2. Then, I need those volunteers to fill out this Doodle poll, so we can schedule a time before Wednesday next week.

3. Last, I need BB members to recommend 3 locations they'd like to see us take photos at for this community profile.  I can pick them, but I'd like input. 

4. Can someone else recommend a backup camera?  I have a good one from work, but if it's being used I won't be able to get it, so we should have a backup. 

Purpose of this is to obtain 3 photos of cyclists in Morgantown at key locations that show we're a Bicycle Friendly community.  We need at least one photo showing several cyclists at one location.  Would be nice to have 2 or 3 photos with cyclist in them depending on folks availability.  I've got a nice work camera available for use, assuming it's not out for work.

If you plan on helping out, please volunteer and fill out the Doodle poll ASAP, so we can coordinate and plan according to weather. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Gmeindl <>
Date: Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 2:08 PM
Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Bicycle Friendly Community Award
To: Bicycle Board <>

So, we've earned a celebration of LAB's recognizing us as a BFC.  I'll bring the Kool Aid.

Then, we need to:
1.  Create a press release.
2. Decide if we want to do an award ceremony and if so, plan it.
3. Get/make photos and draft a community profile for .
4. Review LAB feedback and update the Bicycle Plan.
5. Get money to implement the Plan.


Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

Begin forwarded message:

From: Frank Gmeindl <>
Date: April 27, 2012 6:00:22 PM EDT
To: Bicycle Board <>
Subject: Fwd: Bicycle Friendly Community Award


Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill Nesper <>
Date: April 27, 2012 5:47:57 PM EDT
Subject: Bicycle Friendly Community Award

Dear Frank,
Congratulations!  The League of American Bicyclists has decided to designate Morgantown as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze level. This decision involved careful review of your application and consultation with local cyclists. 
As you know, this award is presented only to communities with remarkable commitments to bicycling.  You should be very proud of this accomplishment. Please share this with your partners in the city and advocacy community. The League will be publicizing this nationally Monday, May 14th to coincide with National Bike to Work Week. We look to working with you to help promote this accomplishment and will be sending you a template for a local press release next week. We encourage you to create your own for local & regional media. Please hold your announcement of the award until May 14th.
You will also be receiving an award certificate, BFC road sign and feedback on what you can do to make Morgantown more bicycle-friendly in the next two weeks.
Your designation will be due for renewal in February 2016. At that point your community will be reevaluated so we urge you to make as many improvements as possible in the meantime! Of course, if you wish to renew sooner than that please do. We look forward to seeing the community’s progress.
If you would like to do an award ceremony, please let us know. We would love to work together to promote this great achievement. Also, we would like to promote the community on our website. We are asking you to provide a few new photographs that we can use to produce your community profile page Please email those to
Once again, accept our congratulations on your tremendous efforts to create a truly Bicycle Friendly Community. 
Bill Nesper
VP, Programs
League of American Bicyclists

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Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells

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