Hello Board,

Damien and I had a meeting on Thursday to discuss bicycle-related TAP grant possibilities for this year (intents to apply are due November 15th). This email serves two purposes: to remind Damien and I what we talked about and to continue to review those options with y’all. 

In no particular order, what’s currently on the table: White Park / Rail-Trail Connector on Don Knotts, Collins Ferry Sidewalk, Mon Blvd Climbing Lane Increased Funding, Campus Connector / Grant St Trail, WV 705 roundabout tunnel, and the Jones Bypass.

Please see my attachment for descriptions of the projects and some relevant diagrams.

We are soliciting your input. Keep in mind -- the intents to apply are due November 15th. If we are to convince WVU to apply for a TAP grant or two, we need to get on that!

