Hello everyone, 
I wanted to give you an update on next week. 

1. I distributed flyers to all but one elementary school today in Mon county. 
2. Dr. Hlad at the Mon School Board has forwarded the flyer electronically to every middle and elementary school in Mon county. 

So that is a lot of people who might participate in our Bike to Work Day and Bike Rodeo next weekend. 

So, I am still looking for volunteers for Bike to Work Day on Friday the 20th at both 8am and 5:15pm and for the Bike Rodeo on May 22nd from 1-4pm. 

Please let me know if you can help with either and than you too those of you who have responded. 

Brian Ricketts 

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Brian Ricketts <ricketts34wafa@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone, 
Hope you all are getting out and biking despite all the rain. 

I am looking for volunteers to help with the following. 

1. To distribute flyers to the elementary and middle schools in town. I should have flyers by tomorrow and will need help distributing them. (I have approval from the school board to distribute the flyers)

2. Bike To Work, Friday, May 20th (volunteers to lead rides and help set up)
8am to 8:30am Needed to set up, do raffle and lead rides. 
So far I have Chip and possibly Drew. We would like to have a little more representation if possible. 

5:15 - 5:30pm Volunteers needed to meet up, possibly more raffles and head out to local restaurants. 
Chip and Drew both are possible but would like to have more representation. 

3. Bike Rodeo, Sunday, May 22nd South Middle School 1-4pm

We need volunteers to:
-Help with registration (2 people)
-Help with skills clinic
- To be there to help manage kids etc. 

So far we have Chip, Johnathan R., and possibly Drew that will be there. 
We need a few more probably 4-5 to help. 

Please let me know if you can volunteer for any of these events. 

Thank you,